Web site Update
I decided to redo my Web site (again) after I realized how difficult it was for search engines to track it and to add verbal information easily. It originally was more of a gallery, which was easy to update, but it wasn't practical for actually ordering from the site!
I added a form for ordering. It should work for most orders. I will be adding a section to upload pictures directly and for making payments through PayPal. Always more stuff to add!
Hopefully will get more traffic and orders with this version.
I'm glad that I can do my own site and coding, it's not so great that I am so picky!
"Saturday Evening Post Cover - 2009"
12" x 14" Colored Pencil on Bristol Board
This was several years in the making, as it was a Pro Bono for my Father, and was put on the back burner pretty much constantly since I started it. Since I have a limited amount of time right now before baby #2 is born, and wasn't too busy with other work, I should take the time and finish the project once and for all!
It's a cover reproduction of a 1950's Saturday Evening Post. The thing making it special is that I had to replace the original photo of the Harley Davidson with my Father's Indian Motorcycle.
It was interesting to go back and work on something that I started so long ago. My techniques for colored pencil have changed quite a bit over the last few years and I have learned a ton since starting this.
I have been working in colored pencil for over 20 years, but not as intensly and detailed as I have recently. The progress was much faster now than it would have been if I continued when I started it.
Glad to have it done and I will be giving it to him as soon as I can!